Tag: SysML

SysML v1.7 Reference Card published

SysML v1.7 will be the last SysML v1 version. There is only one small change in the notation. The compartment heading “allocatedFrom” has been renamed to “allocated”. You can find all changes of SysML v1.7 in the blogpost What’s new in SysML v1.7. You will find the new SysML v1.7 reference card on the Download…
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Logo OMG Systems Modeling Language (OMG SysML)

What’s new in SysML v1.7

Everyone is looking at SysML v2, but at the same time, a new version of SysML v1 has been released. The SysML v1.7 is very likely the last SysML v1 version. This blog post provides a brief overview of the changes in SysML v1.7.

SysML v1.6 Reference Card published

It was long overdue, but now I finally did it: I finished the popular reference sheets for SysML for the current SysML version 1.6. You can find them on the download page of the MBSE4U website.

Logo OMG Systems Modeling Language (OMG SysML)

What’s new in SysML 1.6?

This blog post introduces the changes to SysML version 1.6 that are relevant for modelers.

SysML Question: Why you should not connect ports with associations?

It is tempting to connect the small port boxes in the block definition diagram with solid lines (= associations) to express that the corresponding building blocks communicate with each other. That is forbidden! But why? This blog post gives you the answer. The SysML forbids an association between ports and a good modeling tool should…
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Conjugation Considered Harmful!

A post by guest author Axel Scheithauer: SysML is based on the UML, and I think that was a good choice. However, some concepts of the UML don’t make sense in the world of systems and then sometimes lead to not so useful ideas, like typed binding connectors (how many user defined types of equality…
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Logo OMG Systems Modeling Language (OMG SysML)

What’s new in SysML 1.5 – Miscellaneous

The third and last part of the blog post series about the changes of SysML 1.5 covers several minor updates. Reception compartment Now SysML explicitly defines a block compartment for signal receptions. It is the same notation as in UML. The following figure depicts an example of the reception compartment.   Requirement compartments The SysML…
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Logo OMG Systems Modeling Language (OMG SysML)

SysML 1.5 officially published!

Now SysML 1.5 is officially published. You find the specification on the OMG server: http://www.omg.org/spec/SysML/. I’ve written a blogpost series about the changes of SysML 1.5.

Logo OMG Systems Modeling Language (OMG SysML)

What’s new in SysML 1.5 – Requirements modeling

This post is the second part of the blog post series about the changes of SysML 1.5. The biggest novelty in SysML 1.5 is only visible on the second view. If you do not use the new feature, you will not recognize it. Since version 1.0 SysML provides the model element Requirement to model text-based requirements,…
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Logo OMG Systems Modeling Language (OMG SysML)

What’s new in SysML 1.5 – Overview

This blog post series presents the changes of the SysML version 1.5 that are relevant for modelers. I skip those changes that only affect the specification document like typos or rewordings. You may also be interested in the blog post series about the changes in the SysML version 1.4. The first part of this blog…
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